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お世話になってます!SODでも素人AVに特化した新設部署の第3制作です。SNS募集、ナンパに応じてくれた街行くZ世代のフレッシュな女の子を『すぐ会う、すぐ撮影する』をモットーに、演出なし、味付けなし、素材のうまみエロ動画を、紳士の皆様にお届けすべく精進して参ります。今後とも、ぜひ宜しくお願い致します! 今回、撮影させてくれたのは、都内在住の大学生。ティーンエイジャーです!大学を聞いてびっくりしました。めちゃくちゃ有名な私大に通ってます。さらに地元宮崎では結構有名な名家出身。なんでAV出たいの?と聞くと「エッチな事がすきだから。」と。シンプルに最高です。しかも小動物系の愛くるしいルックス。撮影自体は決まってたんですが、スケジュールが中々合わないでいると、ある日の夜、急に「夜の予定空いたんで、今から遊んでもらえませんか?」なんて連絡が来て、彼女の元へ急行。麻布で遊んでたけど、友達が帰っちゃって暇になってしまったとのこと。初めてのパターンでしたが、こちらとしては大歓迎で撮影させてもらいます。ホテルに行く前に車ですこ~しイタズラしました。服上から軽くおっぱいタッチ。ぴくんっと動いて可愛らしいです。脱がせたら、真っ白むっちりな体と歓喜のピンク乳首!若さの塊みたいな恵体を堪能しつつ、19才の未●年マンコを観察してみると、パンツ!染みてます!やったー!さっきまでノリノリって感じだったのに急にしおらしくなっちゃったりあちゃんのマンコに電マを当てたら、自分で気持ちいところを探して腰をクネクネさせてました。素直でいい子です。ホテル内で本撮影。緊張というよりは性欲が勝ってました。最近の若い子、とくに女の子の方が思い切りがいいですよね。初撮影ながら本気イキしてました。終電後だったので、そのままホテルにお泊り。翌日3限の授業があるとの事で、大学まで送ってあげました。一夜を共にして、こちらもなんか親近感みたいなものを覚えました。しゃぶってくれないかお願いしたところ、授業ギリギリまで大学近くの駐車場でフェラしてくれました。もう仲良しです。口についた精子をティッシュで拭って、そのまま大学の門をくぐるのを見届けました。後日、また「空いたから会いませんか?」と急な連絡。もう向こうもセフレかなんかだと思ってるのかもしれませんね。ありがたいことですが…(笑)。改めて話を聞いたんですが、彼女、普段のエッチの時はいつもゴム無しらしいんです。えぇ…。19才で…、いや19才だから、かもしれません。我々も少し後ろめたさを感じつつも、了承もらったので19才の白肌むっちりボディにしっかり中出しさせて貰いました。翌日もテストがあるからと、セックス後は急ぎ足で帰っていきました。学校生活も、勉強も、セックスも本気。こーゆーいい大学に行って、真面目そうな子ほどエロいもんですね。ぜひ皆様にもご鑑賞頂きたいです。 収録【#1接触/車内で玩具イカセ/ホテルでセックス】【#2車でイタズラ/車内フェラ】【#3ゴムなし生中出しセックス】
It has become indebted to! This is the 3rd production of a newly established department specializing in amateur AV even in sod. With the motto “I will meet you soon, I will shoot you right away”, I will deliver the delicious erotic videos of the materials to gentlemen. I will do my best. Thank you for your continued support! This time, the person who let me take pictures is a university student living in Tokyo. I’m a teenager! I was surprised when I heard about the university. I go to a very famous private university. In addition, he is from a famous family in his hometown of Miyazaki. Why do you want to appear in AV? When asked, he said, “Because I like naughty things.” Simply the best. Moreover, it has the lovely looks of a small animal. The shooting itself had already been decided, but the schedule didn’t quite match up, so one night, out of the blue, I got a call from her saying, “I have free plans for the night, so can you play with me now?” rush to the source. He said that he was playing in Azabu, but his friend had gone home and he was bored. It was my first pattern, but I welcome you and let me shoot. Before going to the hotel, I drove around and played a prank. Lightly touch the breasts from the top of the clothes. It moves and is cute. If you take it off, a pure white plump body and a delightful pink nipple! While enjoying the body that looks like a lump of youth, when I observe the 19-year-old pussy, I see pants! It’s stained! Yay! I was feeling excited until a while ago, but when I hit the pussy of Ria-chan, who suddenly became obese, I was looking for a comfortable place and making her waist twist. He is a good and honest boy. This photo was taken inside the hotel. Sexual desire prevailed rather than nervousness. Young people these days, especially girls, are more open-minded. I was really excited while shooting for the first time. Since it was after the last train, we stayed at the hotel. I told him that he had a class in the 3rd period the next day, so I took him to the university. After spending the night together, I also felt a sense of closeness. When I asked him if he would suck me, he gave me a blowjob in a parking lot near the university until the last minute of class. We are good friends now. I wiped the sperm from my mouth with a tissue and watched her pass through the gate of the university. At a later date, he suddenly contacted me again saying, “I’m free, so why don’t we meet?” You may think that the other side is already a friend or something. Thankfully… (laughs). She heard the story again, but she seems to always have no rubber during her usual sex. Eh…. At 19 years old… No, because I’m 19 years old, maybe. Although we felt a little guilty, we were allowed to cum inside the 19-year-old white-skinned plump body. I had a test the next day, so I hurried home after sex. School life, study, and sex are serious. The more serious a child goes to a good university, the more erotic it is. I would love for everyone to see it. Recording [# 1 Contact / Ikase toys in the car / Sex in the hotel] [# 2 Mischief in the car / Blowjob in the car] [# 3 Raw vaginal cum shot sex without rubber]

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