混み合う電車内で遭遇したのは推定Gカップの一途な巨乳彼女!彼氏が先に下車した直後に悲劇が…。嫌がり隠しても構わず粘着乳揉み! 執拗に揉みまくればおっぱいボロンッ! 乳首だけは見られまいと手ブラで隠す隙間に最終兵器のオイルを垂らして侵入揉み! 羞恥を上回る快感に感度上昇! 遂には隠すことも忘れて乳イキ連発!! ※この作品は2025年3月頃発売予定のNHDTC-034「頑なに乳首を隠す巨乳女子の~2」の一部と同じ内容です。
On the busy train, I encountered a girlfriend with a busty G-cup slut! A tragedy occurred right after my boyfriend got off first… She rubs her sticky breasts without hiding them! If you relentlessly massage her, her breasts will slurp! To avoid seeing the nipples, I drip the oil from the final weapon into the gap hidden by hand bra and rubbing it! Sensitivity increases to pleasure, which exceeds shame! Eventually, she forgot to hide it and kept cumming from breasts! ! *This work is the same as part of NHDTC-034’s “Big-Breasted Girls Who Stubbornly Hide Nipples ~2,” scheduled to be released around March 2025.