【山奥育ち。弓道全国大会経験あり。 そんな彼女のちょっと背伸びした撮影レポート】ド田舎から東京へやってきたハタチの現役女子大生素人さん。凛としたたたずまいで弓を弾く月乃さんも、袴を脱ぐと普通の女の子。進学で上京した彼女は徐々に東京に染まっていく。もう少ししたら、彼女は男性を知り尽くしてしまうだろう。
[Grown deep in the mountains. Has experience in the National Kyudo Championships. A filming report of her that makes her stand out a little bit] A female college student amateur who has arrived from the countryside to Tokyo. Tsukino plays the bow with a dignified appearance, but when she takes off her hakama, she becomes an ordinary girl. After moving to Tokyo to attend college, she gradually became more and more tinged in Tokyo. In a little while, she will know all the men.

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